Apr 3, 2011

Debt in my Lifetime

I was born in 1982.  The Republicans were in power.  That President, together with his then Vice-President and later successor, borrowed about twice as much money as every other president combined.

Then, a Democrat took office, and the Republicans pitched a fit and shut down the government over the horrible, horrible debt.

After that Democrat, another Republican took office.  His Republican predecessors had tripled the debt; not to be outdone, he doubled even that debt.  This President borrowed about as much money as every other president combined.

Then, a Democrat took office, and the Republicans pitched a fit and are about to shut down the government over the horrible, horrible debt.

In my lifetime, the two 'blocks' of Republican administrations have tripled and doubled the debt, respectively.  The Republicans would have me believe that their legislative grandstanding under Democratic administrations is motivated by a concern for the long-term fiscal well-being of the nation.

The Republicans have a very low respect for my intelligence.

I have an equally low respect for them.


  1. Glad you noticed that. I was 24 when Ronald Reagan was elected president. Up to that point, I had believed that American democracy, though far from perfect, had built-in corrective mechanisms which would guarantee that, no matter how bad things got, an extremist like Ronald Reagan could never actually be elected president. Then he was, and he ruined the country. I am very, very glad that someone who was born since all that happened has the perspective to realize how this is playing out in the present.

  2. no republican is to be taken seriously on the debt--EVER. least of all this Rand Paul fellow who is basing his policy approach on a novel wherein a bunch of rich assholes destroy civilization because they're tired of paying taxes.
